Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Papua New Guinea - Southeast Asia

Evangelical Christian
Traditional Religions

Population: 6,552,730
(July 2014 estimate)

Capital: Port Moresby

English, Tok Pisin

Papua New Guinea is a complex island nation and one of the most culturally diverse in the world. Located in an area called the Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean, New Guinea is the second largest island in the world. The nation consists of the eastern half of the island, as well as smaller islands. It is one of the most rural countries, with only 13% of the people living in urban centers. It is also one of the world's least explored countries, both culturally and geographically. With a population of 6.5 million, roughly 830 different languages are spoken. Each indigenous language group has only about 1,000 speakers, though some are now only spoken by a few.

The biggest challenge for this country is reflected in its motto, "Unity in Diversity." The motto has a complex and ironic twist behind it, as there is a history of tribal fighting and revenge killings, a sign of great division amongst the people. In the present day, gang violence is increasing in the cities. "Witch hunts" are on the rise, and those suspected of black magic are at risk of violence and even death. Human trafficking is a widespread problem, as the government acknowledges it, but has not taken significant attempts against it, nor complied with minimum international standards. The youth are especially at risk, as they face gangs, unemployment, and a culture of fear and violence.

There are spiritual strongholds over the people through traditions of witchcraft, spiritism, and related violence. God's word is not easily accessible to many people because of the diverse languages, hence there is continued need for translation and more literacy programs. Forty percent of the population is illiterate, which hinders the working of God's word in their lives.

(Used with permission from

There are unique challenges that are faced when ministering the gospel to the PNG people. Yet God has worked mightily throughout the years by the faithful service and perseverance of missionaries. BIMI has had a prescence in this island nation for over thirty years helping to establish numerous churches and Bible colleges. To inquire for more information regarding Papua New Guinea, please contact BIMI's Southeast Asia Director.

Missionaries in Papua New Guinea:

Southeast Asia Director

Steven & Christy Maldoff

Read more about the Maldoffs. He may be contacted through the BIMI office at (423) 344-5050.

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Southeast Asia Assistant Director

Alan & Donna Brooks

Read more about the Brooks family. He can be contacted through the BIMI office (423) 344-5050.

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